Tom Hawkins - Victoria
      2000 Inductee


      Tom's Accomplishments:

      Tom was elected to the Hall Of Fame as an Organizor-Promoter.

      Tom was born in Northern Saskatchewan on December 25, 1920. He joined the Greater Victoria Horseshoe Club in 1972. Tom has served 15 years on the executive, including the Presidency from 1978-1984 and has been the Treasurer for the past four years.

      Tom has served 10 years on the B.C. Horseshoe Association Executive. During that time he created the B.C. Horseshoe Association Hall Of Fame. His participation has brought many changes in policy to the operation of the B.C. Horseshoe Association.

      Tom is currently the representitive for B.C. on the Canadian Hall Of Fame Committee. He has been active in that position for the past twelve years.

      Mr. Hawkins consistently takes lead roles in organizing and hosting major events for the Victoria Club, particilarly in the 50th. and 60th. Anniversaries of the club in 1985 and 1995 as well as in the 1982, 1994, and 1998 Canadian Championships.

      Tom is an invaluable member of the various committees and his contribution to the Great Victoria Horseshoe Pitching Association has assisted in providing the community with one of the finest pitching facilities in the province.


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